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protection from the sun中文是什么意思

用"protection from the sun"造句"protection from the sun"怎么读"protection from the sun" in a sentence


  • 预防日晒


  • What clothing should we wear to get better protection from the sun
  • They produce many leaves , so they provide shade protection from the sun
  • These peaks rise through the earth ' s atmosphere so there is less protection from the sun ' s powerful burning rays
  • Lastly , dark clothing is more effective in filtering out uv than light - coloured clothing , giving better protection from the sun
  • The emerald ash borer has destroyed trees in the middle west and as far east in the united states as maryland . the insects have also spread as far north as ontario canada . ash trees are popular , they grow well in heavy clay soils and they can survive ice storm well . they produce many leaves , so they provide shade protection from the sun . and in the fall , the leaves turn a beautiful golden and purple
用"protection from the sun"造句  
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